


Proper Noun

Someone who enjoys sweaters, used book stores, and computers

"Wow, look at Jacob over there, in his sweater, reading his book, and working on his computer. How convenient an example for this definition!"

Life Updates

I moved out to Las Cruces, New Mexico with my partner, Emily, about a year ago and a half ago, and am currently looking for new job opportunities in Software Engineering, Data Analytics, and Cyber/Embedded Systems. My partner and I love going to the local farmer's market, thrift shops, and book stores, walking around and exploring the (very new to us) biome, and coming back home to our life-savingly air conditioned apartment.

If you have any restaurant or nature-related suggestions, please drop me an email :D


This year, I am hoping to read 8 books and am currently on my first. Feel free to follow along my reading journey on GoodReads.

(In Progress) Dragon Republic - R. F. Kuang

Current Obsessions

Recently, I have been focusing on staying active exploring my interests. Lately, this has included replaying Borderlands 2, modding Borderlands 2 and Lethal Company, finding new music, watching Twitch while working out, and some late-night deep dives into Performance Engineering and Low-level Programming.